Sunday, October 13, 2013

Ah leng 哥哥 's wedding

Yesterday, I woke up early to head to my aunt's house to wait for the groom to 接 the bride over. It was a rare chance for all the cousins to meet up and it was super fun! The bride looked gorgeous yesterdayy. So the whole morning was just the couple 敬茶 to the elders and the juniors 敬茶 to them for red packets :b ( that's not the point ) We then had a lunch buffet there before we all went home to rest and get ready for the night.

So last night, I attended ah leng 哥哥 's wedding! He and his bride were super good looking yesterday (Y)
Some of us reached early to witness them going through the engagement process and making their vows for each other ♥ The old guy was pretty naggy but nvm :b After it ended, there was a cocktail party and there were some really nice pastries.

There was a photobooth there and omg it seems like it's our entire family who took so many photos xD It was a super hilarioys moment HAHA my aunts and uncles were damn funny! My cousins were super hilarious and sporting as well xDD oh my gosh lmao xD Really glad to have them as my cousins, it's hard to have such close cousins ♥

All the cousins ♥
The 3 chio us :b bhb much

The food served was delicious! There were around 3 dishes that has abalone in them O-O Yum! The bride and groom were also going around to the tables to take pictures with everybody and it was finally our turn ^~^

The night went on with a few more dishes and ended at 11. We bid farewell to the bride amd groom and their parents and headed home. I was sad not being able to have much interaction with the newly wed couple :( Hope that they'll have a blissful marriage, grow old together and have babies soon yo! It was a really enjoyable night catching up with my cousins and hopefully we'll have as much fun next month during hongzhen 姐姐 's wedding as well ^__^

Okie bye!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Day Out With SZB ♥

Heyyo! Hehe :b So I met up with le best couzzie yesterday~~ I've not seen her for so loong goshh, the last time we met was probably 1 month ago. 1 month might not be long for some of you, but it's long for me cuz usually I'll see her every 1/2 weeks.

ANYWAYS, we went out shopping together yesterday~ Our first stop was Vivo City cuz this woman wants to buy phone covers for her new chio phone. We went into Cotton On right after and we were just looking through the clothes and we saw these clothes that was sold at 2 for $25! She caught her eye on this white moustache shirt while I had my eyes on this grey anchor shirt. It's so soft and comfortable!! :O And yeap, we bought them.

Next up, we went to a couple more stores to hunt for clothes that she wants to wear on Saturday for our cousin's wedding. Sadly, many of the clothes are either not suitable for our age, too big or too expensive. Our feet were hurting by then and thus, we went down to B2 for lunch. We had Subway! We both ate the Italian B.M.T. cuz I have no idea what I want to have and she recommended that. It was delicious omgg, the sauce was so nicee. I think it was sweet onion sauce and mayonnaise?

Then, we went up to buy Starbucks ~ ♥ I was totally craving for Java Chip Frap ever since I went out with my dancers a few months ago and Cheryl was drinking that so I had a sip. It was so good and I wanted to have one for myself but I always couldn't bring myself to buy cuz it was so expensive :( but I bought it yesterday and my heart was definitely aching ( it was $6.60 for tall which was the smallest size ) It was worth it though ♥ Ying bought the Chocolate Chip Frap, tall as well but hers was $6.20. She added whip cream in which I didn't cuz I don't like whip cream plus it's fattening yo. 

In case you're wondering how does it taste like: Java Chip has a pretty strong coffee taste but it isn't that overwhelming and has some crushed chips (?) in it which was what I love about this drink cuz it just gave it more texture, while the Chocolate Chip taste chocolaty i guess? and it has crushed chips too :>
Mine's on the right ♥
Next up, we head to Tiong Bahru Market to find this shop that, according to ying, sells pretty clothes with a sort of vintage feel to it. But it wasn't open!! :( wasted trip.. So we took the bus back to Tiong Bahru MRT Station and took the train all the way to Bugis~ We went into a lot of shops and there were a lot of pretty clothes!! But sadly, because ying is pretty skinny, the dresses can't fit her :(

After much hunting, we saw this super lovely white lace detailed skirt! :D But we were pretty troubled over what kind of shirts could match it for the wedding becauuse it cannot be too casual looking. So we went about searching for more dresses and shirts that might suit the skirt. We searched the whole of Bugis Junction and Bugis+ but we still can't find it :( We were pretty disheartened but ying decided to go back to the first shop we went into in Bugis Junction to look for shirts. Finally! We found this sheer pink, short sleeved blouse that we believed can match the lace skirt. So she bought it and we went back to the other shop to purchase the skirt ~ They were a bit expensive but oh wells~ What matters is she likes it and that she finally has an outfit for Saturday!

We were pretty much done but we decided to go to Bugis Street to walk anyways. And omg, was I glad to go there! I FOUND THIS PRETTY PAIR OF SANDALS THAT I WAS HUNTING FORR ♥ Its design reminds me of something that actresses in movies will wear to the beach lol. This baby was for $21.90 which was on the pricey side for a pair of sandals but the shop owner claimed that it was sold for $23/24 outside ( although I'm not sure whether she can be trusted... ) But nevermind, it can be my first time paying for an expensive pair of sandals :/ AND IT'S COMFYY. I do hope that it'll be comfortable to wear to walk for long distances though ( please don't disappoint me :{ ) We then tried covering the rest of the levels but we were too tired and were pretty sick of Bugis Street already ( I've went there far too many times... ) It was also getting late so we headed back. We took the train back home and ying alighted much earlier than me :( I don't want to part with her... ( sound like a couple man ) and it was so lonely on the journey back.

The thing about MRTs during peak hours is that you'll probably never be able to get a seat T.T I stood for lik 50 minutes ugh! That feeling when I'm finally able to sit down on the bus /holy light/

Haha :b Yesterday was definitely a day well-spent and I am so satisfied with my buys :3 Okie that's the end of my super duper long post, buai!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Outing With The Besties ♥

Hey peeps! So, today marks the end of my EOY exams! not officially but still /pops confetti/ And to celebrate, my besties and I decided to go out shopping together!!! It's sooo rare for all 3 of us to go out together but yay we went out today! We all decided to wear a bit more 'atas' and headed for West Mall at Bukit Batok. We went to some japanese shop which soph recommended for lunch. I had Ebi Tamago Don (?) which means shrimp and egg rice. IT WAS SOO GOOD I SWEAR O-O
Delicious Ebi Tamago Don ♥ 
Then, we bought some drinks and took the mrt to Jurong Point in Boon Lay. We started from the top level all the way down. Seriously, we spent 90% of the time there going into shops, just looking through and not buying anything XD We went this shop that has boxes which looks just like Hako in Jcube. There was this super chio contact lens case O-Obut I didn't buy it :( Ki bought this small, squishy blue bunny which just makes you super happy when u squish it ♥_♥ After popping in and out of many shops later, we went into Rubi. There was this bag I caught my eye on but I didn't buy either. Soph wanted these 2 pair of shoes but she didn't have the money haish. But we each bought this bracelet for $1 which was for charity (hopefully), yay 'bestie bracelet' ! We bought different designs though but ~
It's so pweetyy
After more walking, we went into Crystals 'N' Beads and bought the materials needed to make braided bracelets~
We were super exhausted from the walking and headed back to Lot One. We bought some food and went up to the Roof Garden to rest. After getting our rest, we went to I ♥ Accessories and I saw this super chio ribbon clip omgg but it's so expensive :( so I didn't get it either (seems like I eyed on many stuffs but didn't buy.__. mum I'm helping you to save money, be proud). Lastly, we went to Aries and chat for awhile before we ended our day ^__^ It feels so good to not be stuck at home burying my head in books and studying and instead, spending the day hanging out with them :D It was definitely a day well spent ♥ Hopefully we'll do this more often hehe! 
Okie that's the end of today's post, good night!

Friday, October 4, 2013

Like A Finally

Omg it's been so long since I blogged .___. Blame it on my busy schedule: all that homework and exams goshh. So there's one more paper left an I'm done! \o/ Well there's still LC after Amaths paper but who cares ~
Gosh it has been a reallyyy intense week of studying @__@ Despite that, I still think I was not as prepared for the exams this time round compared to my previous exams :(( Remind me not to study only the day before exams again ughh. The papers that really killed me were chemistry, history p2 and emaths p2 (both were taken today) gosh :( I feel so angry at myself. It's like...I'm sure I didn't study hard enough / prepare well enough for my chemistry and history papers :( History I didn't have time to study all so I had to spot BUT WHY, WHY ONLY THOSE I NEVER STUDIED COMES OUT. BOTH OF THE SEQ QNS SOMEMORE WHY TT TT
I think I've really let Mrs Ram down :( Gonna really have to work harder this holiday to catch up on my studies to prepare myself for next year. After blogging, I'm gonna study hard for amaths to make up for my screwed up emath paper. Gosh I can't believe I made such careless mistakes... i wanna kill myself. LOST SO MANY MARKS AHHHH
Okay on a lighter note, yay! Eoy is coming to an end soon and I can relax!! So excited for the plans I'm gonna have during the hols (hope I don't fail any subjects so I need not study for re-exam :{ )  Miss my cousins soooo sooo much!! I'm gonna see them next week yayyy!! I wanna go shopping and hang out with my friends and there are so many things I wanna do :>> Maybe I will make a list or something. Despite not blogging for so long, I still do write in my diary so ya #justsaying
This year passed too fast like s.e.r.i.o.u.s.l.y. I'm still not even used to being a sec 3 and being in 2013 D8 2 more months to 2014 and being a sec 4, around 4 more months before the next batch of sec 1s for dance joins, 8 more months left in KMDC, slightly more than 12months and I'll graduate. Everything's zooming by, really have to cherish the present things before they're gone like secondary school friends. Altho secondary school friends are more likely to meet up together in the future, but the close friends you have now might be a stranger with memories in the future. That's just sad man like really :/ Ok why am I so emotional in this post._. Okay anyways I"ll try my best to blog more often and constantly so ya :> Toodles! And have a great weekend peeps ^__^
